By |2023-05-23T08:55:19+00:00August 5th, 2017|Holidays, Supporting Kids|

2017 was the 4th year Cleaner Quicker Car Wash and Detailing participated in Toys for Tots drive. The challenge for the program is that while many people want to give, they don't have toys when the come in and see the Toys for Tots collection box, and while they mean well they don't always return [...]


Thanksgiving – Helping Sedona Families in Need

By |2019-01-18T22:41:51+00:00December 13th, 2015|Holidays|

GIVE A TURKEY 10% of all revenues Monday and Tuesday, November 22 and 23, will go to local organizations providing turkey's and dinners to local area residents and families in need. Come in and give someone a Thanksgiving to be Thankful for. Purchases now may be redeemed in the future. Gift cards available. SPECIAL THANKS [...]

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Toys for Tots

By |2018-08-31T20:44:29+00:00December 12th, 2015|Holidays, Supporting Kids, Supporting Vets|

GIVE A CHILD A MERRIER CHRISTMAS!! BRING A "TOY FOR A TOT" Cleaner Quicker Car Wash will take 10% off the price of any express wash for anyone who "likes" this post and brings in a toy to support the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation between now and December 14. If you don't need the [...]

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By |2019-01-18T22:41:53+00:00December 10th, 2015|Holidays, Supporting Kids|

"Wonder Woman" Maggie and "Super Dog" Turk from Cleaner Quicker Car Wash with new friends after passing out candy bags to kids in Uptown on Halloween eve. Have never seen so many happy kids in one place. People of all ages, shapes, and sizes in great costumes. What a blast! Relived being a kid on [...]

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